christ taking a break from wandering in the desert.

yes belief is really interesting. real real real interesting! believe believe. baseline of shared stories to have in common so we know what each other talkin about. no but not even. idk what religion is. look look look i am just simple boy not no modern day socrateeees! because it is lent here is a lenten picture of jesus. i always really liked the story of lent. and easter. i like that the man who is god goes off alone, starves, and gets taunted by the incarnation of evil. its pretty cool. i think sometimes life is like that. ur just stuck in the desert for awhile. and everything is awful. but then when u come back from ur meditation, everyone treats u like a celebrity and they're hype and they wave palms around. but because the government doesnt like u very much they decide to publicly execute you. and because of mob mentality, everyone goes along with it, even though they had just called you their king earlier that week. i'm obviously leaving out the parts where he was saying he was god and performing miracles. its like when everyone treats you like shit sometimes, u know? have you guys ever seen jesus christ superstar? very good movie musical movie. anyway i havent really researched jesus and i have no idea how real he was.

ilovecousinjude, rodellwa
3.12.2022 10:24 AM