
[this is not my best work but i kind of like how ugly it is] jud: i just saw u ! ur thoguht path triggered an old one of mine when i was beginning to have athiest thoughts and feelings. i used to think abt all the werid shit in catholicism and then think of all the catholic people i respected and if they believed in that werid shit. like does my sister really think everyone has a little ghost trailign them or does she quietly think its stupid but will pretend to accept it. is it like adam and eve where everyones like uhhh yeahh ok, no no yea but ok. because i guess u would have to believe in the angel gabriel if u believed in mary and jesus. speaking of which i jus trmemebered i drew the angel gabriel on evitem. and many other catholic imagery. it lingers. i was jsut in a very religious place and it overwhelmed. because it is very easy to say yes yes everyone goes some place and that place is very nice and when u get there they will all be there. and the priest said nice things from what i understood and there were dogs sadly howling ////////////////////////////////////////////// psuedo: im sorry your friend had hives, they really suck. i thought i had covid when i had hives but i did not. i did get the shot a few weeks before so who is to say.

rodellwa, judejudemcdermo
3.3.2022 12:46 PM